4 grudnia 2018

Extensions and factorization of Lipschitz maps on Banach function spaces and applications
Enrique A. Sánchez Pérez (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Summary. Using some classical separation arguments, some techniques for obtainingfactorization schemes for linear operators can be used in the case of Lipschitzmaps as well. Essentially, it is possible to prove that some vector norm inequalities involving integrals and some factorizations are equivalent facts forLipschitz operators on Banach function spaces. This allows to study someproperties of these operators in terms of summability properties. As an application, we show some results for uniform extension of real valued maps actingin metric spaces. For some particular cases, this provides for example extension theorems for \(p\)-averages of families of metrics in a McShane-Whitney fashion.

room: A1-33, 10:00–12:00. Coffee and tea on 10:00 at the professors’ club.